Put EXTREMELY simply: EFT is akin to acupuncture, but without the needles.
It’s often known as Tapping and has its roots in ancient Eastern medicine practices, with a Western twist.
It works on the flow of energy around the body by tapping with fingers on acupressure points whilst saying specific affirmations.
By doing these things together you engage both the body’s energy system and the brain’s limbic system (a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, controlling basic emotions, drives and long term memory), which encourages a sense of resolution, peace and safety.
The treatment is performed online
Session takes 15/20 mins
Costs: £20.00
Reiki is the Japanese for ‘universal life energy’ and is used to describe a system of natural healing. It is a non-invasive treatment that takes place fully clothed and usually laying down. The method is based on a series of hand placements on or near the recipient’s body.
The benefits of Reiki include deep relaxation and a sense of peaceful well-being both physically and emotionally. Reiki is a safe and soothing treatment that can be comforting for everyone. It is a complementary therapy that can be used in hospitals to treat patients and is supported by scientific research.Reiki can help with problems such as anxiety, stress & emotional issues, sleep problems and pain management and can help to boost energy & concentration.
The session can be performed online or face to face.
Online session - 60 minute
Cost £45
For face to face reiki or online reiki click the link below to get started.
You need yoga more than those super flexible people! All yoga is personal, just because your neighbour can touch their feet, does not mean you are not doing it right. We are all different. Some people are born with long ligaments, some are less flexible than others due to past injuries, habitual behaviours, or genetic make-up! Enjoy the session, be yourself, remember it’s not a competition.
Bring a yoga mat (not a camping, or exercise mat), a blanket to keep warm during relaxation and water, if you think you will need it. Yoga is performed barefoot or yoga sox, so there is no need to go out and buy new trainers, or foot wear.
If this is your first session, please don’t feel you have go out and buy new equipment, I carry plenty of spare equipment every week, you can borrow these until you feel ready to commit.
A soul coach is all about looking inwardly and connecting to your soul to make positive and lasting changes to your life and helping you to hear the secret messages from your soul.
Try no to eat for an hour and a half before you attend the class. If you must, then ensure it is a light snack.
It is always best to contact me for a chat before you walk into a class. You can also get a free 7 day trail to ‘try’ before you buy.
Loose clothing, tracksuit trousers, and leggings are good. Try not to wear anything with buckles, zips, buttons or belts? Please ensure you have some warm clothes for the end of the session, so you are warm enough for relaxation.
It is always best to contact me for a chat before you walk into a class. You can also get a free 7 day trail to ‘try’ before you buy.
Loose clothing, tracksuit trousers, and leggings are good. Try not to wear anything with buckles, zips, buttons or belts? Please ensure you have some warm clothes for the end of the session, so you are warm enough for relaxation.
Try no to eat for an hour and a half before you attend the class. If you must, then ensure it is a light snack.
Bring a yoga mat (not a camping, or exercise mat), a blanket to keep warm during relaxation and water, if you think you will need it. Yoga is performed barefoot or yoga sox, so there is no need to go out and buy new trainers, or foot wear.
If this is your first session, please don’t feel you have go out and buy new equipment, I carry plenty of spare equipment every week, you can borrow these until you feel ready to commit.
A soul coach is all about looking inwardly and connecting to your soul to make positive and lasting changes to your life and helping you to hear the secret messages from your soul.
You need yoga more than those super flexible people! All yoga is personal, just because your neighbour can touch their feet, does not mean you are not doing it right. We are all different. Some people are born with long ligaments, some are less flexible than others due to past injuries, habitual behaviours, or genetic make-up! Enjoy the session, be yourself, remember it’s not a competition.