With an IAPC&M Level 4 Internationally Accredited Coach Qualification and over 19 years as a certified BWY yoga teacher, I'm passionate about guiding individuals aged 40 and above onto the yoga mat with confidence, free from the fear of mistakes or judgement.

In my coaching practice, I specialise in empowering midlife women who grapple with uncertainty and apprehension about the future. Many of these women, once bold and daring, now find themselves grappling with a loss of identity and dwindling confidence due to life transitions like menopause, empty nests, divorce, ageing parents, career changes, or entrepreneurship. My mission is to facilitate transformative shifts in their personal and professional lives, reigniting their zest for life. I help them confront and conquer internal barriers that may hold them back, empowering them to seize control of their lives again.

My journey into yoga began in 1993 when I attended my first class, which sparked a passion that has guided me ever since. I officially started teaching as a British Wheel of Yoga Teacher in 2006. As I have grown, I have taken on new skills and styles. I hired a coach as I entered perimenopause as I was struggling with the loss of identity, and my confidence seemed to disappear overnight. It soon became apparent that coaching would be a great addition to my offerings and the desire to support women over 40 reconnecting with themselves. A further significant point came in 2022 with my late diagnosis of ADHD, which has deepened my self-understanding, and now I am committed to supporting ADHD groups, facilitating adhd self-care sessions and fostering neurodiversity in yoga spaces through CPD events and inclusive teaching practices.
Life is a learning curve, and you never know what's coming around the corner. 

I’m a certified BWY yoga teacher and Midlife Empowerment Coach

I’m Kim Pierpoint.

I believe that you should not feel awkward about getting on a yoga mat. If you can walk and sit you can join my yoga classes. Don’t be frightened by the images of yoga you see in the media, I want to love and honour all that your body/mind and soul can do for you. 

Are you a woman who feels they are never good enough? Or like you are walking though life faking it? 

Seeing people discover that they can get into the yoga postures and breathe deeply again literally makes me smile from ear to ear, every single time. When a coaching client tells me they truly believe in all that they have to offer and have begun to gain new clients I know they have found their own divine power and are taking control.

So, if you have always fancied yoga, you can be assured I teach you how to love the body you have right now. To connect deeply with your breath and awaken your inner energy. You can do this with face to face classes or online classes.

Don’t feel like your faking it!

Practice yoga or looking for some guidance to embrace the next chapter of your life, why not have a chat with me?

Whether you want to…

Learn more about Kim's Services

You need yoga more than those super flexible people! All yoga is personal, just because your neighbour can touch their feet, does not mean you are not doing it right. We are all different. Some people are born with long ligaments, some are less flexible than others due to past injuries, habitual behaviours, or genetic make-up! Enjoy the session, be yourself, remember it’s not a competition.

I’m not overly flexible, is that going to be ok?

Bring a yoga mat (not a camping, or exercise mat), a blanket to keep warm during relaxation and water, if you think you will need it. Yoga is performed barefoot or yoga sox, so there is no need to go out and buy new trainers, or foot wear.

If this is your first session, please don’t feel you have go out and buy new equipment, I carry plenty of spare equipment every week, you can borrow these until you feel ready to commit.

WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING to my yoga sessions?

A soul coach is all about looking inwardly and connecting to your soul to make positive and lasting changes to your life and helping you to hear the secret messages from your soul.

what exactly is a soul coach? i've never heard of it before?

Try not to eat for an hour and a half before you attend the class. If you must, then ensure it is a light snack.

can i eat before i attend a yoga session?

It is always best to contact me for a chat before you walk into a class. You can also get a free 7 day trial to ‘try’ before you buy. 

I’ve never been to yoga, can I join the class at any stage?

Loose clothing, tracksuit trousers, and leggings are good. Try not to wear anything with buckles, zips, buttons or belts? Please ensure you have some warm clothes for the end of the session, so you are warm enough for relaxation.

What do I need to wear when i attend a yoga session?

Frequently Asked Questions

It is always best to contact me for a chat before you walk into a class. You can also get a free 7 day trial to ‘try’ before you buy. 

I’ve never been to yoga, can I join the class at any stage?


Loose clothing, tracksuit trousers, and leggings are good. Try not to wear anything with buckles, zips, buttons or belts? Please ensure you have some warm clothes for the end of the session, so you are warm enough for relaxation.


Try not to eat for an hour and a half before you attend the class. If you must, then ensure it is a light snack.


Bring a yoga mat (not a camping, or exercise mat), a blanket to keep warm during relaxation and water, if you think you will need it. Yoga is performed barefoot or yoga sox, so there is no need to go out and buy new trainers, or foot wear.

If this is your first session, please don’t feel you have go out and buy new equipment, I carry plenty of spare equipment every week, you can borrow these until you feel ready to commit.


A soul coach is all about looking inwardly and connecting to your soul to make positive and lasting changes to your life and helping you to hear the secret messages from your soul.


You need yoga more than those super flexible people! All yoga is personal, just because your neighbour can touch their feet, does not mean you are not doing it right. We are all different. Some people are born with long ligaments, some are less flexible than others due to past injuries, habitual behaviours, or genetic make-up! Enjoy the session, be yourself, remember it’s not a competition.


I have really enjoyed doing Kim’s classes online. The library of sessions allows me to fit this in with my family and my schedule. It has been great to have a familiar voice to follow which has certainly helped motivate me to keep going.

- jo

There are lots of reasons Why you can’t find the time for yourself and it is much harder to find the space to practice at home. But if you make that commitment, you will do it, and you will feel all the better for making the time for yourself.

- gill

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy all  Kim's yoga classes I have attended, weekly sessions, Soulful Sunday afternoons and Retreats in a Day. Each one has been interesting and expertly delivered, laced with your lovely sense of humour and down-to-earth approach.

as seen in: